50th Anniversary (11/6)!

We’re throwing a big party with our friends to celebrate fifty years of Rutgers Ultimate. You’ve already heard about it on Facebook, and in emails, and by word of mouth. Now, show up and be ready to donate and have fun!

5ish Ws

What: 50th Anniversary Celebration and Rutgers Alumni Game
Who: Rutgers Ultimate Community (RSVP not required, but appreciated. Anyone can show up.)
Where: Rutgers Sports Club Field (41 Brett Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854)
When: Sunday, 6 November 2022, 11:45a to 5p ET

PLEASE RSVP HERE, EVEN IF NOT ATTENDING: https://forms.gle/96yRE7i4kMyr6B2F9

Field Access

PARKING: The parking lot (Lot 65D) next to Sports Club fields has limited parking, so overflow should park at Lot 64, 60A, or 60B next to Werblin Recreation Center.
Register your vehicle to park here.

All attendees will be required to fill out a paper liability waiver form upon arrival.

This is the broad agenda. Chris “Cannon” McLaughlin will be Master of Ceremony (MC). Defer to his directions:

  • 11:45a Doors Open – food and mingling ($10 ticket for food. Proceeds support current team)

  • 12:20p Opening Ceremony (Zoom link below for virtual attendance)

    • Words from Master of Ceremonies Chris McLaughlin

    • Remarks from Founders

    • Remarks and Remembrance from Tom Gockel

    • Introduction of 1972 Ultimate Alumni Club & Fundraising Drive

  • 1:00p Pictures (By decade cohort, Tim Vothang Photographer

  • 1:15p Alumni Game begins with a First Team Pull & Point

    • Decade cohort lines, and Nightshade/Shakti lines will be called and directed by MC.  

What you need to bring

Telling Ultimate players to NOT FORGET THEIR CLEATS never gets old. Don’t forget your cleats.

Bring a dark and a light. It would be really cool if you brought the jerseys that you wore when you played Machine/Shakti/Nightshade. Alumni are Dark, Currents are Light.

There will be water on site, but it never hurts to bring your own water and vessel.  

Bring $10 (or more) in cash if you want to eat the food the current team will be grilling. I’ll cover money more in “Fundraising, Donations & Gear” section below.

Fundraising, Donations & Gear

$10 cash buys you a stamp and access to the grillables that the current team will be providing for lunch. All proceeds from the team’s food sales will go towards their University account.

Tom Gockel, Paul Savarskyy and I have started a New Jersey non-profit incorporated under the name “1972 Ultimate Alumni Club Inc.” (shortened to “1972 Club” below). The purpose of this non-profit is to support the Rutgers Ultimate community with funds independent of Rutgers Sports Clubs administration. 1972 Club’s goal is to support:  

[Phase 1] Rutgers Ultimate (Men's and Women's) expenses beyond those covered by RU Sports Clubs, and to reduce individual player dues. Including but not limited to:

  1. Uniforms,

  2. Transportation expenses,

  3. Tournament fees,

  4. Other miscellaneous expenses;

[Phase 2] Scholarships for outstanding NJ High School players who continue to play with Rutgers Ultimate; and

[Phase 3] Rutgers Ultimate community outreach to support NJ high school ultimate. 

While 1972 Club’s board is currently Gock, Paul, and myself, we will seek to expand participation to include the current team and other members of the alumni and NJ ultimate community. To be clear, this is purely volunteer work and no officer or board member will receive any compensation. If you are interested in helping out, email me!

The 1972 Club is incorporated as a non-profit in New Jersey, and is pending IRS 501(c) certification. Notably, contributions to an organization pending IRS certification will be tax deductible if and when the organization ultimately receives an exemption letter. However, I cannot explicitly assure donors of deductibility as exempt status is pending.  

HOW TO DONATE to “1972 Club Inc.” at the 50th Anniversary Event:

·  Via our website at 1972ulti.club/take-action

·  Direct donations via check, cash, and possibly card/payment apps. Checks should be made out to “1972 Ultimate Alumni Club Inc.”

·  Purchase of 50th Anniversary “Fat Knight” Commemorative Discs ($15 each, limited availability) 

·  Purchase of 50th Anniversary “Fat Knight” Commemorative Red Jerseys ($40 each, 80 available)  

Videographer and Media Team

We’ve partnered with Tim Vothang of Game Point Performance to capture video of the anniversary celebration and alumni game. We’ll be contacting founders and some of the early players for interviews and other video content.

If you want to support the media team for this event by capturing either video or photo, please reach out to me.

Important Links

Rutgers Parking Registration Here

RSVP and Alumni POC Collection Form Here: https://forms.gle/96yRE7i4kMyr6B2F9

Facebook Event Page Here: https://fb.me/e/20DFGoyT7

Zoom Link for Opening Ceremony Virtual Attendance Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89634651776 (pw: 1972)

**Donate Here** 1972 Club Website: 1972ulti.club


50th Anniversary in the Targum